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5 Things I’ve learned since my Mom died

Before my mom died, I made her promise to haunt me. She said she would, but made me promise to believe it was really her. The night she died, I had a vivid dream where she sat me down to... Continue Reading →

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5 Gifts of Loving Someone with Chronic Illness

Shortly after we were married, my husband had an anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting. He was prescribed an epi-pen and began immunotherapy. A year later he was stung again, his epi-pens failed, and within a few minutes he was... Continue Reading →

Be Love

Note to self: When in doubt, be love. When it seems too hard, dig deeper and find a way. Love is even more important then. There is always a way. I don't mean the mushy, gushy, "nice" kind of love.... Continue Reading →

The real reason kids are going outside less and 5 things you can do about it

There is a lot of talk these days about the time kids spend attached to screens and electronic devices rather than playing outside like older generations used to. I've spent more than a decade working in environmental education. I helped... Continue Reading →

The Future is Now

One day at The Energy Fair and I am totally inspired all over again. Before I head back over this morning, I have to tell the world about the awesomeness of this organization (the Midwest Renewable Energy Association) and the... Continue Reading →

Sustainability Snowball

The only way I get anything done is to get started. Once I'm started, it's easier to keep going, build momentum, and reach my goal. Even though I know this, I often like to set huge unattainable goals for myself... Continue Reading →

Blessing your way

The women in my sweet little community celebrate new moms (and other life transitions) with a "Blessingway" ceremony honoring the woman, all women, and the timeless bonds that connect and support us all. Blessingways are the best. The events we... Continue Reading →

Learning from kids

That's it. I've decided. This is my reminder. My kids have more to teach me than I do them. My job is really just to help keep them alive (and hopefully thriving). They teach me how to live. Or is... Continue Reading →

The Big 4 Oh!

I turn forty today. I guess that means something sort of. I've never really paid much attention to age after I achieved all those childhood milestones that were attached to gaining more freedom. Those mattered. As an adult, birthdays have... Continue Reading →

Boats, Bluegrass, and Badass Women

Well, it happened again. Our annual Boats and Bluegrass Bliss Bubble was amazing as usual. It was blissful, there were bubbles, the grass was blue, and the boats were free. Every year there are more families, more new friends, and... Continue Reading →

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